Sue Spinney left for Port Au Prince Haiti in April 2012 to work with the Tlucek family at Maranatha Children’s Home. Her main responsibility is as a “house mom” at a small orphanage. She is involved in the everyday activities of raising children; dirty diapers, feeding, doctor’s appointments, hugs & kisses and so much more. The ministry also has a pre-school program for 60 children ages 2 through 5 and a six-week summer VBS program that teaches English. Sounds like just the place to utilize some of Sue’s gifts!

Ten childrenreside at the home and are cared for by an attentive, loving staff of Haitian ladies. The children are all looking for “forever families” and will be adopted by loving, Christian couples in the States.  Suesends updates, pictures, and personal observations on each child’s development to the families. The goal is to keep the children and families connected before they live together.


“THANK YOU for all of the prayer, moral, and financial support that I have received from all of you. If you would like to contact me you may do so via email –”